Cyryx students participated in the Billabong High Children’s day event

Cyryx College students have taken part in the children’s day events organized by the Billabong High International School. A total of 17 students from the Cyryx College participated in the ceremony which was held on Thursday, 10 May 2012in the Billabong High School.
The ceremony started with the recitation of the holy Quran followed by a special assembly. School Principal, Wafa Waheed, and a teacher gave a speech on the occasion. Some students of Billabong high performed a drama with a teacher’s event after that. The ceremony was concluded with a dance by the Cyryx students.

Thirteen classrooms were decorated for the special events of the day in which students of grades 1-5 participated. Cyryx students helped with all the games and were in charge of the face painting classroom. All the students of Cyryx College wore identical tags representing the college.
Billabong High International School announced that they would be giving certificates of appreciation and recognition of participation to all the Cyryx students with a photo cd of the special day, at the end of the week.
The ceremony and the events were held from 09:00hrs to 14:00hrs.